08 June 2015

May 2015 Recap

May - phew - what a month! It was fast and full!

Once we got back from Hawaii, I finished my prep for the Mother's Day 5K. We wrapped up Mother's Day with a picnic in our backyard with some good friends.

George and Madeleine have started playing a new game in which they are co-pilots.

In George's car, the kids can now hold hands across the back seat. *Heart melts.*

Misha and Eloise came over for a playdate, and the littles "got acquainted."

Madeleine has been working on setting the table. This particular day, not at meal time, she sat a friend at each seat with a cookie on his/her plate. Pretty stinkin' cute.

This was the day I discovered that Elliott can remove our vent covers. Joy.

And he can crawl up/down a single step. Look at the pride in his eyes!

I hate bubbles. They are sticky and messy and don't work half the time. But I've told myself that I need to let go of some of my particularities so that my kiddos can experience some of the messier aspects of childhood. They both loved the afternoon when I broke out the bubbles.

Speaking of messy, Madeleine likes to get into Elliott's cabinets to find supplies for her babies' diaper changes, bedtimes, baths, etc. After finding this mess, I both cleaned out the infant supplies from his nursery and activated the childproofing already installed on the cabinets. You'd think that this child doesn't have half a dozen baby blankets waiting in her room.

We've continued to do a fair bit of hiking with our PEPS group, and I think that we all agree that the best trails are the ones that end with a playground.

For Memorial Day weekend, we headed to Dallas via this gorgeous PNW scene. Stay tuned for a photo summary.

No particular story with this one; I just love this moment in time.

 Girlfriend can walk more naturally in my heels than I can. 

We ended the month with another PEPS hike. Good company, good trail.

Am I the only one who is in a little bit of denial that it's already June? Is that just because my first born is about to turn THREE years old (and reminds me of it several times a day)?


  1. What a marvelous May! Lots of fun, friends and festivities. Can't want for more.

  2. Such a good post - a little bit of the little things in life that make things important!!!
