05 August 2013


It's hard to believe that we're just a few weeks from the one year anniversary of making the original offer on our house. Although this house has felt like home from day one, we still think about it as the "new house" because we consider this last (nearly) year just a moment compared to the time we intend to spend living here. Alas, we haven't rushed into hanging much on the walls - partially because of wanting to get it right and partially due to intimidation at making some cohesive decorating plan for our (rather large) home.

Recently, I threw that all out the window and declared that we should try to hang at least one thing every day. I'm pretty good at patching nail holes and applying touch up paint, so there really isn't that much to lose if we change our minds in a week, a year, or a decade. We haven't exactly met that lofty goal, but we have hung quite a few things and made decisions about most others.

Last week, my big project was our stairway.

I love looking at the faces of some of our nearest and dearest throughout the day, and I hope this serves as a vehicle to teach Madeleine their names.

What do you do to make your house feel like your home?

1 comment:

Janie said...

I am guilty of lots of stuff on the walls and misc do-dad's here and there. But.........99% of them have a story and after 36 years in this house, it is my(our)home and my (our)sanctuary.