20 July 2008

Flattop Mountain - Round II

This is just a quick post to let you know that I made good on my promise to hike all the way to the top of Flattop. Although, like the rest of this summer, today was overcast, it was still a great day for the hike. I couldn't see McKinley due to clouds, but the sun and wind combined for the perfect hiking temperature.

To top it off, my hiking company was quite interesting: a 60-something doctor from NYC and a middle-aged Boeing contractor. They've both lived adventurous, inspiring lives. I hope to be able to share the same sorts of stories they shared with me when I'm in their shoes.

Enjoy the videos from the top of the trail. I recommend turning your volume down because the wind gets quite loud...although not loud enough to drown out the sound of the kids who wanted to "attack" me when I was taking the second video a little too close to their fort.

Check out the gallery for more photos.

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