08 April 2013

Indoor Tulip Bulbs

I have a mental list a mile long of projects I want to share with you. While I'm wrapping up some of the more involved ones, I thought I'd share this simple (and inexpensive) way to bring spring indoors.

I originally saw this pin, which planted (how punny) the idea in my head. When I was recently at the local home improvement store, I picked up some sad looking tulip bulbs for $1.87. Back at home, I pulled the bulbs out of their dry soil and put them in one of these $1.99 vases I picked up on my last trip to Ikea with some aquarium rocks I had leftover from an old bamboo shoot.

For less than $5 and little more than 5 minutes, spring is blooming in my living room.

What are you doing to bring spring to your home? If you're in the southern hemisphere, what are you doing to prepare for autumn?

1 comment:

Janie said...

What a great idea! I think I will try this!